Garden Books

Garden books provide insight into the love that seemingly all French people have for flowers, plants and trees. Big open parks are part of the love, but also the window box, the pocket garden down the block and the markets on the street.
From the humble vegetable patch all the way to the gardens of Versailles, and everything in between, these books are a kind of survey of French gardens.
The Art of French Vegetable Gardening
by Louisa Jones
Leave it to the French to elevate the making of a vegetable garden, or potager, into an art form. They have been doing it for centuries! Transforming the placement of fruit and vegetable plants into thing of beauty. Louisa Jones covers a lot of ground in this book that is both insightful and lovely. From laying out a garden, to the material for the walls around it, to vertical interest, the book is filled with delightful photographs and even recipes. You will see gardens from all over France, not only Paris. (click image to order from Amazon)
The French Garden
by Jean-Pierre Babelon
A big book of French formal gardens, not only in France but also in Europe. The French perfected their style and it has been imitated around the globe. Photos of exquisite gardens as well as detailed maps and plans fill this book along with informative text. This is not an instructional book or a how-to. The focus is on beauty and the display of man’s control over nature to its grandest effect. (click image to order from Amazon)
French Garden Style
by Georges Leveque and Marie-Françoise Valery
A picture book of gardens in France ranging from large parks to small, intimate gardens. Organized by design style, it has many photographs illustrating the style discussed in each chapter. The simple title does not prepare you for what is inside. French Garden Style is a beautiful book that you can go back to again and again for inspiration. (click image to order from Amazon)
Paris in Bloom
by Georgianna Lane
Like it sounds, Paris in Bloom is specifically about that. Incredibly beautiful photographs that feature Paris when the trees are blooming and the flowers are trying their hardest to attract bees and butterflies. Lane also provides photographs and information on street markets and floral boutiques. Your trip may not be when the plants are blooming, but this book will show it to you at the most opportune time to enjoy spring flowers.(click image to order from Amazon)
Gardens of the Loire Valley Through the Seasons
by Marie-Françoise Valery
An appropriate name for this book that takes the reader on a visit to some of the most recognizable chateaux and their gardens. The photos depict such captivating settings, one has to wonder is there a bad time of year to visit. Stunning book that should be a must for anyone interested in the area or who plans to visit. (click image to order from Amazon)
Quiet Corners of Paris
By Jean-Christophe Napias and Christophe Lefébure
These authors and The Little Bookroom turn out a splendid book on the subject that its name describes. Pick a few gardens near each other and devise your own tour. Along with the gardens, you will see interesting and lesser known parts of Paris. (click image to order from Amazon)
André Le Nôtre in Perspective
edited by Patricia Bouchenot-Déchin and Georges Farhat
Are you serious about French gardens? Then this is the book for you. Extensive detail about Le Nôtre and his life as well as many, many illustrations of Le Nôtre’s mastery. Incredible from the get go, and only gets more and more in depth as you turn the pages. An inspiring book that may be more for the serious student of gardens. (click image to order from Amazon)